You can take rubble and hardcore to a recycling centre. You are limited to the amount of rubble you can take in one visit. The limit is five (900mm x 600mm) rubble sacks per visit. If you are carrying out large DIY projects that produce a lot of rubble, we advise you hire a skip.
There is a restriction on the amount of rubble you can take to a recycling centre because rubble is one of the main types of waste that traders are disposing of illegally at the recycling centres.
Rubble and hardcore includes:
Do not put rubble or soil in any of your bins at home.
If you are using using your own van, pick-up truck, twin axle trailer or hiring a van, you will need to apply for a van permit.
Any waste produced by tradespeople or builders you hired to carry out improvements, repair or alterations to your home is classed as business waste and can’t be disposed of at any of our recycling centres. Always ask a tradesperson to include waste disposal in their quote.