See how recycling is sorted from over a million homes.

A visit to this facility in South Manchester includes:

A tour of the Materials Recovery Facility…

  • See how your plastic bottles are sorted using infrared lasers
  • Find out how glass bottles and jars are given a clean using cyclones
  • Watch how we turn your aluminium drinks cans and foil into biscuits (not suitable for eating!)

A selection of tailored interactive activities…

  • Right stuff Right Bin
  • A chance to put your recycling questions to an expert
  • Interactive games on iPads
  • One World (why does recycling matter?)

We welcome visits from:

✅ School groups (year 3 and above)

✅ Scout and Guide groups (age 7 and above)

✅ Further and Higher Education students

✅ Adult community and interest groups

✅ Local businesses looking to support their staff to find out more about household waste, recycling and environmental impact.

If site visits are not suitable for your group, why not consider an online or outreach session with one of our education officers instead?


Visit Information

Cost: FREE

Eligible Groups:Must be based in Greater Manchester waste contract area (all GM districts excluding Wigan)

Age Groups: Suitable for children and adults (minimum age 7).

Group size: Min. 5 and max. 34 people.

Individuals: Please book via our ‘Open Days’.

Length of session: 2 hours (option of longer day visits for Primary Schools).


Daytimes Tuesday to Thursday, Evenings Monday- Thursday. Tours are scheduled around MRF operating times.

Parking: Free on-site coach, minibus and car parking.

Safety: Full Health and Safety details and Risk Assessments will be sent out on booking completion.

Centre Information

Visitor Centre Phone Number

0161 778 7109


Longley Lane Education Centre
Longley Lane
M22 4RQ

Map & directions

Book Now

Use the contact form below to book your visit.

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