Cotton on to recycling your clothes
Campaign | 22nd August 2024
Cotton on to recycling your clothes

Almost all of your clothes can be recycled. Even if they’re stained, ripped or past their best, they aren’t rubbish. Cotton on to recycling your clothes and shoes so you never need to bin them again.

Don't put any items with batteries in bins - they can cause fires. #BeBatteryAware. Images of vape, battery and electric toothbrush. Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Logo. In partnership with R4GM
Campaign | 7th August 2023
Be Battery Aware

Batteries don’t go in any of your bins at home. Old batteries may seem ‘dead’ but they can still cause fires if you don’t dispose of them properly. They can be crushed in bin lorries or waste sorting plants and start fires.

In the Loop campaign; young couple cooking chopped tomatoes on the hob with the wording
Campaign | 6th April 2023
In The Loop

Recycling is a vital part of the circular economy which is about reducing waste by keeping things in use as long as possible. When you recycle your stuff in the correct bin at home, you’re part of the circular economy and #InTheLoop.

Shopping bag with text BUY. Tupperware tubs of food with text KEEP. Small dish of food with text EAT. Recycling bin with text REPEAT
Campaign | 12th February 2023
Buy Keep Eat Repeat

Did you know that in Greater Manchester, 140,000 tonnes of food waste is put in general waste bins? Three quarters of this food waste could have been avoided too. We are working with councils across Greater Manchester to encourage residents to reduce and recycle their food waste.

Teddy bear stood behind pile of nappies with speech bubble. Text reads
Campaign | 1st January 2022
TedSays: Please don’t put any nappies in your recycling

In the UK nearly 8 million disposable nappies are thrown away every day, which is 3 billion nappies a year.


image of empty plastic bottle


Select your local council logo to find out how about campaigns in your local area.


wheelie bin storage with a living roof
BLOG | 25th November 2024
5 sustainable secrets about your local tip

We went behind the scenes at our recycling centre in Wythenshawe to see the work being done to enhance biodiversity.

a variety of plastic items that can be recycled
BLOG | 25th November 2024
This Christmas, don’t forget to put plastic pots, tubs and trays in your mixed recycling bin

This Christmas, don’t forget to put plastic pots, tubs and trays in your mixed recycling bin This is the first Christmas you can recycle pots, tubs and trays at home! Recent changes to recycling in Greater Manchester mean we can recycle more at home than ever before. Plastic pots, tubs and trays go in your […]

Planting trees to help convert ex-landfill into greener spaces
BLOG | 21st November 2024
Turning landfills into forests

How we transformed 2 ex-landfill sites into sanctuaries for nature