This Christmas, don’t forget to put plastic pots, tubs and trays in your mixed recycling bin

This is the first Christmas you can recycle pots, tubs and trays at home!

Recent changes to recycling in Greater Manchester mean we can recycle more at home than ever before. Plastic pots, tubs and trays go in your mixed recycling bin. Lots of food and gifts come in plastic pots, tubs and trays.

Let is go, let it go, let it go... into your mixed recycling bin!
  • Plastic pots (e.g. yoghurt, soup, cosmetics etc)
  • Plastic tubs (e.g. margarine, laundry powder, chocolates etc)
  • Plastic trays including black plastic trays (e.g. raw and cooked meat, fruit and veg punnets etc)
  • Plastic film or cling film
  • Crisp packets
  • Plastic bags, packaging or other soft plastics
  • Pet food pouches
  • Hard Plastics

– On your third advent calendar by 6th December? The plastic tray that holds the chocolates can be recycled!

– Hosting dinner this year? Plastic cream pots, ice-cream tubs and mince pie trays can all be recycled!

Keep an eye out for other recyclable plastic pots, tubs and trays this Christmas. Make sure everything is clean and empty before recycling. If you want more space in your recycling bin, stacking pots, tubs and trays saves room.

Find out more about plastic recycling


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This Christmas, don’t forget to put plastic pots, tubs and trays in your mixed recycling bin This is the first Christmas you can recycle pots, tubs and trays at home! Recent changes to recycling in Greater Manchester mean we can recycle more at home than ever before. Plastic pots, tubs and trays go in your […]

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